Scott Wehner, Founder & CEO

Scott Wehner, Founder & CEO

We all hope we are growing into better versions of ourselves as we age. That is God’s design for all of us. But where we focus and what we believe to be true determines whether we actually realize it.

When I look back at the last 10 years of my life the word that comes to mind is transformed. I’m not saying I have arrived or reached a pinnacle –far from it. Rather, I no longer recognize the person I was 10 years ago, nor do I want to. My life was a fast-changing landscape both personally and professionally.  I quit a 6-figure job to start a business out of my basement, got married, had four children, built several homes, moved states, sold a company, started new ones, took major risks, experienced heartbreaks, health crises, and faced addictions.

All of these experiences have given me greater clarity on what my true purpose is.  With Imago, I want to help others begin a journey towards finding their purpose and along the way sharpen their life skills so they become a better executive, parent, and life partner.